Chris Barbin

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In Awe of My Kids Doing Their Thing

It’s probably the New Year talking, but it feels like time is only moving faster. 

I turned 50 last year. It was an exciting (and jarring) milestone. It also allowed me to reflect on how the first half of my life led me to where I am today. Not only did I make a major career pivot with Tercera, but the last of our three kids flew the nest heading off to college. Their entry into adulthood has gifted my wife Lori and me with the awesome freedom to make new choices and take new directions. 

I’m in awe watching my kids grow into true individuals. It’s become a profound source of inspiration – especially considering it only feels like yesterday when they were sleeping past noon at home on the weekends. 

Kate, our oldest, is now 21 and graduating from Butler University this May with a major in elementary education and a minor in special education. She recently spent a semester in Nashville teaching Kindergarten, during a pandemic no less, and navigated the challenges of teaching our next generation with grace. Speaking as a certified capitalist, I couldn’t be more proud of her decision to choose a profession as noble and selfless as teaching. 

Mia, our 20-year-old, is pursuing a path in business and communications and will be spending this summer interning in the Big Apple, while our youngest, William, is a college freshman. He’s trending towards international business and will likely double major in Spanish as he’s our certified guide and translator while in Mexico, but the exciting part for William, is that could change tomorrow. It’s also a thrill to see him set out on a path that could align to my own. 

It’s surreal I’ve arrived at what often felt like a fabled and far-away part of parenthood. Yes, parenting is a lifetime commitment and my work will never be done, but Lori and I have reached the end of an era. My kids didn’t just leave the nest – they found their wings to fly on their own path. For that, I am incredibly grateful.